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  • Writer's pictureYuzhe

Law of Conservation of Electric Charge - physics/物理

Like charges repel and unlike charges attract each other.

A new technology based on the electric force may revolutionise the way books and other printed matter are made. This technology, called electronic ink, allows letters and graphics on a page to be changed instantly, much like the symbols dis- played on a computer monitor. Figure 18.4a illustrates the essential features of electronic ink. It consists of millions of clear microcapsules, each having the diameter of a human hair and filled with a dark, inky liquid. Inside each microcapsule are several dozen extremely tiny white beads that carry a slightly negative charge. The microcapsules are sandwiched between two sheets, an opaque base layer and a transparent top layer, at which the reader looks. When a positive charge is applied to a small region of the base layer, as shown in part b of the drawing, the negatively charged white beads are drawn to it, leaving dark ink at the top layer. Thus, a viewer sees only the dark liquid. When a negative charge is applied to a region of the base layer, the negatively charged white beads are repelled from it and are forced to the top of the microcapsules; now a viewer sees a white area due to the beads. Thus, electronic ink is based on the principle that like charges repel and unlike charges attract each other; a positive charge causes one colour to appear, and a negative charge causes another colour to appear. Each small region, whether dark or light, is known as a pixel (short for “picture element”). Computer chips provide the instructions to produce the negative and positive charges on the base layer of each pixel. Letters and graphics are produced by the patterns generated with the two colours.

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