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GMAT - SC - 句子改错 - 2

应该说GMAT中的句子改错直接影响者Verbal section是否可以获得更高的分数,因此我们将陆续推出改错专辑:

1. The concert this weekend promises to attract an even greater amount of people than attended the last one.

A. an even greater amount of people

B. an even larger amount of people

C. an amount of people even greater

D. a number of people even larger

E. an even greater number of people

这是一道难度系数并不大的改错题,考察了英语中determiner的用法,因为people是一个group noun,所以需要number of people,这样就已经排除了A, B, C,还剩下D, E, 很明显even greater 是用来修饰number,那么答案E也就很明显了


2. Compared with the time period of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, the poor of today would be considered wealthy.

A. Compared with the time period of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath

B. Compared with the time period during which John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath took place

C. Compared with the characters in John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath

D. In comparison to the time of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath

E. In comparison to John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath

几乎比较句式是句式改错里必有的题目,唯一遵循的准则是比较内容一致。题目中未画线句子的主语是the poor即为人做主语,那么前半句需要比较的也是人,这样看来只有C选项是唯一可能。


3. Although the square root of a negative number has no real value, it is not necessarily true that equations involving imaginary numbers like these are practically inapplicable.

A. equations involving imaginary numbers like these are practically inapplicable

B. equations involving such imaginary numbers have no practical applications

C. equations involving these inapplicable imaginary numbers are practical

D. equations involving imaginary numbers such as these are inapplicable practically

E. there is no practical applications for equations involving such imaginary numbers as these

很多考生看到这样题目似乎完全搞不懂出题人要测试什么,因为每个选项的句子似乎都没有明显的语法错误,但GMAT语法里有一项值得关注:pronoun代词的使用时常都是不准确的在句子改错里,比如A选项these指代谁呢如果是numbers但numbers like these又是不合理的。通过对有代词的选项排除,我们就不难发现选项B是最佳答案。B选项的such是表示particular group。

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