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Yao Daneels Becquart
Dec 15, 2017
Don’t let a mobile phone make you immobilise!
It is obvious that many of the young are looking forward to 25 hours a day in the foreseeable future owing to the fact that they are...

BBC + Yuzhe
Dec 4, 2017
The design of the modern bathroom
When the Bermondsey Public Baths opened in 1927, only one out of every 500 houses in this working-class London borough had a bathroom....
Cambridge + Yuzhe
Nov 22, 2017
Any - determiner
We use any before nouns to refer to indefinite or unknown quantities or an unlimited entity: Did you bring any bread? Mr Jacobson refused...

Nov 3, 2017
Face blindness
People with face blindness are missing a ‘hub’ in their brains. Do you find it difficult to spot a face in the crowd? Now we know why:...

Oct 30, 2017
Who can you trust? How tech is reshaping what we believe
We've lost faith in experts, but increasingly rely on strangers we meet online. Is it wise to replace long-evolved instincts at the click...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Oct 30, 2017
The biggest threat to life
Have you ever thought of what the most dangerous threat to humankind is? Perhaps the first thing sprung to mind is terminal ailments like...

Sep 30, 2017
The real clean food
It's possible to have a diet that's both healthy and eco-friendly, but would you really want to eat it? Forget the fads, the answer is...

Sep 23, 2017
The new nuclear race: Why North Korea isn’t the real story
The sabre-rattling between Pyongyang and Washington is masking a dangerous destabilisation in deterrence – making nuclear war by accident...

Aug 30, 2017
The numbers that rule them all
Zero and infinity cast long shadows in mathematics, making and breaking equations. But these strange beasts can also explain what numbers...

Cmbridge + Yuzhe
Aug 28, 2017
Table of irregular verbs
We think that many students in fact haven't used irregular verbs so flexibly that to review them in sentence practice is of the essence!...

Aug 20, 2017
Atomic Legoland: How to build wonder stuff from the atom up
Miracle materials that would supercharge clean energy are on the cards now we can play with individual atoms. We just need to work out...

Aug 16, 2017
Why your real age may be older – or younger – than your years
Biological age can diverge from the number of years we celebrate on our birthdays - and it sheds light on the time we have left By Helen...

Cambridge + Yuzhe
Aug 3, 2017
Abbreviations, initials and acronyms
Abbreviations and letters When we abbreviate a word or phrase, we shorten it. Abbreviations can be formed from the first letters of the...

Cambridge + Yuzhe
Jul 31, 2017
Common mistake - last, last but not least, at last, finally and latest
#Commonmistake #grammar

Jul 30, 2017
Awesome awe: The emotion that gives us superpowers
Awe is so powerful it alters your sense of self, connects you with humanity and boosts your mind and body. And there's a surprising way...

Jul 29, 2017
Lectin-free is the new food fad that deserves to be skewered
With echoes of the gluten-free craze, lectins are being wrongly vilified with a glut of questionable health claims, says Anthony Warner...

Jul 27, 2017
Donate your voice so Siri doesn’t just work for white men
By Matt Reynolds Does Siri have trouble with your accent? A project is turning to crowdsourced voice donations to overcome this problem,...
Cambridge + Yuzhe
Jul 23, 2017
Common mistake: nowadays, these days or today
We can use nowadays, these days or today as adverbs meaning ‘at the present time, in comparison with the past’: I don’t watch TV very...
Cambridge + Yuzhe
Jul 23, 2017
Common mistake: following or the following
We use following without the + noun phrase to mean ‘after’, ‘in response to’ or ‘as a result of’: Following the bad election results of...
Cambridge + Yuzhe
Jul 23, 2017
Common mistake: grateful or thankful
We use grateful to talk about how we feel when someone is kind to us or does us a favour: [a message on a thank-you card] Thank you so...
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